Become one of our regular correspondents. is one of the leading sources for Canadian stock and investment news. We cover various industries as well, from cryptocurrencies to crowdfunding, life sciences, technology, mining, oil and gas, and more.

We make sure that you’re informed and up-to-date, and that we’re reachable and relevant to our worldwide audience. That’s our guarantee.

Join our team today.


Here are some benefits to contributing on our publication:

  1. Targeted readership throughout Canada and across the globe
  2. A space to share your expertise on a subject matter of your choice
  3. Exposure and added credibility to your name
  4. Guaranteed visibility in Google search results and rankings
  5. Increased engagement traffic provided by your own author page
  6. Possibility of cross-promoting your articles across our social media channels


Let’s make this work. We look forward to adding your voice to our community.

Terms of Engagement

Submission of bi-weekly articles for your chosen niche. We encourage contributors to submit at least two articles a month. These pieces should fall under our publication’s categories and subcategories.

Publication-ready articles. The tone and style of your work must be consistent with the content already existing on our site, with minimal editing needed. We accept articles of at least 500 words in length, with keyword-rich headlines and excerpts.

Open communications with our team. Maintaining an open and collaborative environment is our utmost priority. We expect our contributors to coordinate with our editorial team at all times to avoid any delay to our publication schedule.

Engagement with the CAStocks brand. We welcome contributors from various backgrounds. While we offer our platform for different voices, we will not consider articles that discriminate against race, gender, or religious beliefs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you allow content syndication?

Our main priority is to establish relationships with writers who will grant CAStocks exclusive rights to their content. Nevertheless, we welcome contributors who are interested in syndicating their content with our site.

Will CAStocks edit my articles?

CAStocks is committed to delivering high quality content to our readers. We reserve the right to edit your content according to our editorial standards and search engine optimization (SEO) best practices. In order to provide our audience with unique content we might have a need to change the title, as well as make minor edits to the body of your article.

Do you allow outbound links?

CAStocks contributors will have their dedicated profile where they can include one link to their blog, website, or social profile. We also allow the inclusion of two outbound links in each article, however, they must contextual and information-first. Promotional links to homepages, service pages, landing pages, et cetera will be automatically deleted.

Do I have to meet the submission frequency?

We allow flexibility in terms of frequency of submissions, and we are open to discussing your options. As much as possible, however, we encourage our contributors to send at least two articles per month. If interested, we can send you our editorial guidelines where you can find more information about our content requirements.