How virtual healthcare can benefit Canadian companies

Canadian workers are demanding easier access to healthcare according to one firm’s study. It could result in benefits from both ends.

/ Published 5 years ago

Technological advancements have made healthcare and other clinical matters better in terms of getting us back in shape. As traditional healthcare systems become enveloped by new techniques, people are going to want easier access to medical professionals to keep them healthy. This is what Canadian workers are demanding now according to a recent study.

A study completed with the help of Medisys Health Group discovered that two out of three Canadians would prefer using virtual healthcare over traditional packages included in employee benefits. The participants in the study included more than 1,500 full and part-time employees aged 18 and above. This means roughly 71 percent of the respondents are willing to trade their traditional package with virtual healthcare.

Messaging and mobile apps that would allow people to receive valid medical advice on-the-go fall under virtual healthcare. The number of smartphone users continues to balloon so it should not be surprising that going virtual is the popular choice.

Despite the demand, the study finds that only nine percent of employee benefits include virtual healthcare coverage. It is a new trend that companies should begin to adapt as it carries benefits not only for their employees but also for the entire company.

The benefits of virtual healthcare for workers and companies

The immediate benefit of giving employees easier access to healthcare is that they are going to spend time off of work. They would no longer need to file for leaves when they are in need of a checkup. This reduces stress greatly when it comes to health concerns.

Citing a study by Benefits Canada, Medisys says that Canadians dedicate two to six days a year for physician-related visits. The amount of time they spend off of work for these visits are pile up to become a hindrance in the company’s overall productivity.

Virtual healthcare can also help promote better mental health in the workforce. (Source)

Additionally, workers will have more time for themselves, allowing them to rest and work more productively. Medisys adds that virtual healthcare can also help promote better mental health in the workforce. There are certain apps that include mental health services as one of its key features and employees could use these to seek help privately.

More advancements to come

Pushing healthcare into the mobile territory is the next frontier for Canada’s healthcare. It has already advanced towards digitalization with the help of Microsoft. Microsoft’s Industry Lead in Healthcare for Canada Peter Jones says that they are now focusing on systems of insight that will enable us to access data and make better decisions on patient care and the operations in the hospital.”

Microsoft has already succeeded in establishing a digital database for records. This has served as a good platform for more technological advancements to come. Canada’s foray towards better healthcare is a step towards better employee productivity as well. Companies should take notice of Medisys’ findings and make a change for the better.

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