Subscription-based cars: The future of the automobile industry is here

The future is approaching fast, and it comes in the form of car models that you can get with a subscription service. Is this a solution or a new problem?

/ Published 5 years ago

The idea of giving up automobiles sounds like a really far-fetched idea, especially in a fast-paced world that requires an equally fast way of getting from one place to another. But as the world becomes more socially and environmentally conscious and cities are starting to clamp down on vehicle use, this type of utopian future might be not so impossible after all.

If one were to observe this modern day and age, countless conventions and institutions are being disrupted, so who’s to say that one as basic as transportation won’t fall under the same fate?

Here’s a surprising truth: It’s already happening. People now favor bikes and walking instead of cars, which could mean that the age of mass vehicle ownership is drawing to a close. European nations like the UK are implementing a more solid direction towards this idea. In fact, the sale of diesel and petrol cars will be outlawed in the UK by 2040.

Age of automobiles: Over?

According to Business Insider, nearly no one in the U.S. will own a car by 2030, with car ownership dropping by 80 percent. Instead, a huge shift in technology will push towards a driverless future, filled with self-hailing cars.

“In terms of ownership models, I think we’re really on the cusp of change,” said Vision Mobility principal consultant James Carter.

The time will come when even drivers will be taken out of the equation of mass transportation. (Source)

Automobile companies themselves are already preparing for it, finding for a new way to adapt with the changing times. For example, the Swedish multinational company Volvo has already made its first step, announcing that it will be bringing a new subscription to Canada to meet its growing car-sharing demands.

According to Volvo Car Canada Ltd. Managing Director Alexander Lvovich, “We’re giving everyone an opportunity to get a vehicle, and own a vehicle like they own their cell phone.”

In fact, as per Forbes, subscription-based ownership models have already exceeded 10 percent of monthly household incomes in developed countries like the UK and U.S., and soon after, the same services will be applied to cars as well.

A dynamic automobile shift

In 2017 up until 2018, the vehicle subscription market in both North America and Europe have eight platform/software providers, 12 technology startup-led programs, eight luxury car manufacturers and seven dealer-led programs. This is on top of seven mobility provider-led programs, two mainstream car manufacturer-led programs, and one super luxury car manufacturer-led program.

A quick look at this list provides only a partial look at all the opportunities this industry can present. Of course, while this may sound all good on paper, the real test is putting it in the real world, something that can still present some rough patches. Still, it’s an exciting prospect that’s too good to pass up, and if it can pave the way for a more efficient and functional world, then why not?

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