Smoke-free Canada by 2025 is possible under bold tobacco labeling

Rothmans, Benson and Hedges, Inc. believes that the best way to stop cigarette smoking in Canada is by educating people more on the effects of each product.

/ Published 5 years ago

Smoking cigarettes can cause serious major health complications. The government’s struggle in limiting the cigarette consumption of citizens has always been a problem. However. a bold new approach to warning labels might kill off the Canadian tobacco industry says leading brand Rothmans, Benson and Hedges, Inc. (RBH).

Cigarette warning labels were implemented to help regulate the amount of tobacco that people can smoke. Under the Tobacco and Vaping Products Act, all tobacco products will be categorized under one label and they will be all regulated as such as well, even if each product have different health concerns. Basically, even vaping tobacco products are going to be treated the same.

However, this is not an ideal way to regulate the industry says RBH. It says that cigarettes and other burning tobacco products are more harmful than others. That is why it suggests that those items should have the most restrictive and bold labeling and warning requirements.

RBH also says that the warning labels have not kept up with the innovations and upgrades to the vice of smoking. There are now safer methods of consuming tobacco such as vape pens and electronically-heating devices.

RBH hopes to make Canada smoke-free by 2025. It believes that the best choice for a smoker is to quit using cigarettes. However, others will still continue to use tobacco. As such, it would be a better option to give Canadians access to the most truthful and accurate information on each tobacco product. It adds that this approach will help Canadian understand the risks of tobacco use and it could possibly steer them towards less-harmful alternatives to smoking.

Cigarette smoking can cause harmful health complications. (Source)

Smoking vs. vaping

Smoking is known to cause various health issues but it is mostly criticized for causing lung cancer. Alternative tobacco delivery products such as e-cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, and water pipes as well but consumers should at least know what makes them different.

The most popular alternative to smoking tobacco is vaping. The process of vaping does not involve the combustion of tobacco, this negates most of the harmless chemicals that are present when smoking. Moreover, early studies conducted on vaping reveal that is a significant difference between the number of carcinogens compared to smoking.

Since alternative tobacco consumption methods are still relatively young, studies that support its effects are still minimal. Regardless, initial findings have been good so far. Moreover, producers are continuously working to improve their products and lessen its health effects so the future bodes well for these alternative methods.

RBH’s noble goal of creating a smoke-free Canada by 2025 sounds impossible but it is doable. The key to helping people get off of their smoking habits is by helping them fully understand the risks and letting them know that there are less harmful options. Canadian policymakers should give RBH’s suggestion some thoughtful consideration.

(Featured image by Ken Hawkins via Flickr. CC BY 2.0.)

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