July 26, 2024 10:46 PM

Startups and innovation, for a post-Covid world… better!

At a time when the pandemic has hit the economy and caused the collapse of several companies, startups have been able to maintain their sense of creativity by tapping into the assets offered by technology. They have reorganized themselves to protect their employees and their financial interests, demonstrating agility and persistence to continue to innovate in the face of the crisis.

/ Published 3 years ago

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There is no doubt that start-ups play a key role in stimulating innovation and business growth. The startup is, by definition, designed to seek a business model capable of success. Startups are then designated to develop new solutions through innovation. The main focus is on differentiating existing products and responding adequately to customer needs. The strengths of startups push companies to seek inspiration from them, both in the exploration of unlikely leads and inflexible management, encouraging employee autonomy.

A new management system that is bearing fruit.

Whether it’s a question of introducing your product or service to the market or working more efficiently, the entrepreneurial way of startups offers countless advantages of adaptability and growth. This entrepreneurial culture can be applied to all companies regardless of their size, shape, or economic sector. It not only establishes an entrepreneurial spirit that guarantees future growth, but also sustainable prosperity by facilitating innovation.

The adoption of a process of continuous innovation combined with the ability to quickly experiment with new products for new links are essential factors; assets that boost productivity and ensure prosperity for every company. This is where the association between the classic management model and the entrepreneurial management model takes its full place in the success of established companies or even start-ups.

This modern organization generates sustainable growth through continuous innovation, while at the same time bringing together the forward-looking and reactive aspects at all levels of the organization.

Startups have been successful thanks to digital technology.

As the pandemic hit the economic system and caused the collapse of several companies. Startups have been able to maintain their sense of creativity by drawing primarily on the assets offered by technology. They have been able to reorganize themselves in a way that protects both their employees and their financial interests.

Like this, startups have demonstrated agility and persistence to continue to innovate despite the vagaries of the crisis. The crisis has naturally taken its toll on the startup environment, but not at all on the model itself. While the health debacle has put a stop to the crisis in several sectors, innovation is proving to be an important vector of recovery for all economic players.

Wider adoption of digital edtech

Educational institutions were already integrating the digital infrastructure, but they were faced with many issues, which eventually slowed down the adoption of digital for years. Then came COVID-19 and the forced use of various EdTech platforms overnight. Since then, startup cities around the world, including London, which is one of Europe’s leading EdTech hubs, have developed a growing number of EdTech solutions that are being used in a variety of locations: from universities and schools to remote employee onboarding and the acquisition of new skills and hobbies.

Many EdTech startups, such as MyTutor, Tech Will Save Us, and Kide Science, have closed during the lockdown period. Yet their numbers are expected to increase, despite the shutdowns, as many of them will acquire new skills to adapt to new market conditions.

Tech startups are in high demand.

If we were to name a winner of the pandemic, it would undoubtedly be the tech sector. In addition to the emergence of e-commerce solutions to replace traditional in-store sales channels, almost all companies using digital technology in their operations have been able to make the most of it.

With the dynamics that the sector is experiencing, many tech professionals have decided to meet between October 1st and 3rd during the Startup Supercup. An international summit with the main objective of linking capital and startups in the idyllic setting of the French Dordogne. Networking and information about industry trends are at the heart of this first edition. The Startup Supercup will outline the shape of the post-Covid world, a world with many opportunities especially in the tech and digital world.


(Featured image by Pixabay via Pexels)

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